Peeks at the Past
The Muncy Luminary and Lycoming County Advertiser
Thursday, Jan 4, 1924
100 years ago
Miss Ruth Greenway, aged 19, Williamsport, was struck by a motor car driven by Anne Baldwin, also of Williamsport, Thursday evening.
Saturday’s Williamsport Gazette and Bulletin said: While enroute to Reading to spend Christmas with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. George Gold and the latter’s sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sullivan and daughter, Mildred, of Muncy, met with an accident near Lancaster when their car struck a telephone pole. Al of the women were injured and were taken to the hospital. The men of the party escaped uninjured.
Married: Mabel I. Confer, of this place, and Clarence Rathmel, Watsontown.
A total of 800 licenses to marry were issued in Lycoming county during 1923.
Ad: Weis Pure Food Store-Our Leader Coffee, a perfect blend-30 cents/lb.
The Luminary
Dec. 31, 1953
75 years ago
Glenn Stover, of Muncy, is now teaching in the schools at Delta.
Capt. Elma Confer, of Muncy, and a veteran of the army nurse corps, has been named by the famous Gen. William Dean as one of his “Women of the Year.”
Jane Schoch, of Muncy, wins award in First Aid contest.
Engagements Announced: Dorothy C. Hall, of Muncy, to Jordon O. Whitmire, of Muncy. Jean L.Lowe, of Muncy, to James M. Arms, of Washington, D.C.
Births: A son to Dr. and Mrs. George S. Poust, of Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Frantz, Hughesville, daughter, Dec. 20; A son to Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hall, Montgomery, Dec. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Stover, Montgomery, daughter, Dec. 24; A daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Rohm, Muncy, Dec. 23; Mr. and Mrs. George Shires, Hughesville, daughter, Dec. 25; A son to Mr. and Mrs. Zygmund Musial, Muncy, Dec. 26; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fenstermaker, Muncy Valley, daughter, Dec. 27; A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ned Perry, Hughesville, Dec. 28.
Deaths: Mrs. Harry Nixon, Jr., Muncy, 60, died Dec. 26; Edward O. Cummings, member of the community, died Dec. 25. He was 77; John C. Morehart, Montgomery, 82, Dec. 26.
At the Ritz:“Arrowhead”
Ad: Fine Furs-Anson Hayes, Williamsport
The Luminary
Dec. 20 and 27, 1973
50 years ago
11-Inches of Snowfall Arrives in time for Christmas
Arthur B. Metzger Succumbs at 77,well-known Muncy resident.
Gary Wertman, freshman a Penn State and son of Mr. and Mrs. VanDorn Wertman, Jr., Muncy, will be appearing in the Orange Bowl on New Year’s night with the famed PSU Blue Band.
Miss Paula Montgomery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Montgomery, Hughesville, is crowned Holly Queen at the annual Christmas ball.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. R. Stephen Musser, Muncy, son, Dec. 14; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Musser, Muncy, daughter, Dec. 21; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rupert, Muncy, son De.c 29; Mr. and Mrs. David Green, NJ, a son, Dec. 23. The mother is the former Jorene McCarty of Muncy.
Deaths: Rachael G. Laurenson, 38, Muncy, Dec. 21; John A. Lilley, 54, Dec. 21; Alberta Bailey, Muncy, 81, died Dec. 20; Henry Wood Kent, formerly of Muncy, died Dec. 13; Archie Temple, Muncy, died Dec. 20; Judith Laidacker, 27, Muncy, died Dec. 20.
At the Ritz: “Jesus Christ Superstar”
Compiled by Ruth Fry
The Hughesville Mail
100 Years Ago
January 3, 1924
John Martin will expose to Public Sale on what is known as the Schultz farm, two miles northwest of Pennsdale, near the Bush schoolhouse on Tuesday, January 8, 1923 [1924], at 10 o’clock A.M. sharp, the following: 15 head cattle, 2 horses, 4 sheep, oats, wheat, rye, buckwheat, corn and cornfodder; farm implements, some househeld goods, and many other articles too numerous to mention.
Clarence Gordner will expose for Public Sale on what is known as the Gordner farm, one-half miles northwest of Huntersville, on Wednesday, March 5, 1924, at 10 o’clock A.M., the following: Nine head cattle, four horses, nine shoats, chickens, farm implements, two stoves, carpet, and many other items too numerous to mention.
Luray Swartz, who has been seriously ill with pneumonia, is quite improved.
Miss Zella Moyer has returned from Atlantic City, where she spent several days.
The public schools opened Monday morning, after the annual two weeks’ vacation.
Married Christmas Eve–Miss Stella Wilson, of Hughesville, and W.J. Atkinson, of Shamokin, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Poust entertained a number of friends at a New Year’s party at their home last Friday evening.
Charles Getty, of Michigan, has been the guest of his mother, Mrs. Samuel Farnsworth, who will accompany him home and spend the winter.
Picture Rocks
Mrs. James Painton has been the guest of her son, Howard Painton, of Montoursville.
Boyd Eddy has accepted a position as assistant secretary of the Y.M.C.A. at Williamsport.
Flora Johnson, who is in training at the Williamsport hospital, spent a few days with her parents.
Rev. W.E. Neuer, of Mount Vision, N.Y., has accepted a call to the Baptist church. Rev. Neuer expects to arrive this month.
The Young Men’s Bible class of the Baptist church held its monthly meeting on Thursday evening in the church parlors and elected the following officers for the coming year: President, Leon Collins; vice-president, Lawrence Corson; secretary, Elmer Barbour; assistant secretary, Harvey McClain; treasurer, Stanley Burrows; teacher, Lee Sprout; assistant teacher, George Derrick. Delicious refreshments were served.
All Pirates Scattered at Close of the Season
By request of President Dreyfuss of the Pittsburgh club the Pirates agreed to do no barnstorming stunts, but scattered immediately upon the close of the season. The argument was put up to them that they were well paid for their season’s work and would only cheapen themselves by cavorting in the sticks for a few extra dollars. It is a tribute to the intelligence of the players that they saw the point.
Compiled by Shirley
Confer Boatman