Peeks at the Past
Friday, Jan 11, 1884
Our musical townsmen, Thomas Lloyd and Prof. Preston Gowers have both composed some excellent music during the past few months.
Since New Year’s the sleighing has been extraordinarily good.
More than 2392 cases of tobacco were shipped from Jersey Shore last year.
We have been presented with a remarkably fine piece of music, “Glen Cottage Waltzes”, composed by our townsmen, Prof. Preston Gowers.
Dr. A.H. Tomilinson, of Pennsville is building up a fine practice in that neighborhood.
The Muncy Luminary and Lycoming County Advertiser
Thursday, Jan 10, 1924
100 years ago
Marriages: Harvey J. Alback and Miss Hannah P. Whitmoyer were married at 105 East Pen street this Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock.
Lawrence Williams, aged 32 years, a brakeman on the Milton local of the Pennsylvania Railroad, fell from a car at Milton Friday morning and the wheels severed both his legs near the knees. The injured man died a few hours after his admittance to the Parker Hospital.
Peter Coleman, city detective of Williamsport, has issued a car stating that he has been subjected to a great deal of criticism, which he say is unfounded. He has offered $1,000 to anyone who can prove to the satisfaction of Judge and jury that he has been guilty of any infraction of good conduct as a citizen or officer.
Deaths: Miss Lizzie Green, a resident of this place, died Dec. 27.
Leap Year: We are now completing the tenth day of the leap year 1924. This is one of the years when the girls have their inning. In the remaining 356 days unharnessed males, according to the time honored tradition, regardless of their eligibility or lack of that quality, whether they may be wary or willing, reluctant or eager, are supposed to be “fair game” for any and all husband seekers.
The Luminary
Jan. 7, 1954
75 years ago
John F. Melle, 65, well-known county industrialist and civic worker, died suddenly at his home just east of Muncy on Jan. 5.
192 cases of Measles, 22 of Mumps in Muncy in 1953, Health Officer Reports.
Participating in the Navy’s winter training maneuvers “Operation Springboard” last month aboard the destroyer USS Samuel B. Roberts was Don L. Martin, metalsmith third class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin, Muncy.
Deaths: Maud Vanderbilt, former Muncy resident, died Jan. 1; Harry Yonkin, 77, Muncy, died Dec. 31.
At the Ritz: “The Master of Ballantrae”
Ad: Secules Pontiac, Hughesville
The Luminary
Jan. 3, 1973
50 years ago
A new electric substation near Hughesville has been placed in service by the Pennsylvania Power & Light Company. Located along Route 41066 southwest of Hughesville, the substation provides additional transformer capacity to meet general load growth in the area.
Engagements announced: Christine Hall, Muncy, to Stephen S. Bruker, Marysville; Nancy A. Davey, State College, to David V. Pauling, of Muncy; Jane C., Sullivan, Hughesville, to John B. Stugart, Hughesville; Doris Effie-Charles, Benton, to David W. Bitler, Unityville; Debrah Wodrig, Muncy, to Raymond Richart, Hughesville; Christie L. Carl, Williamsport, to Ivan W. Hilner, Hughesville.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Snyder, Montgomery, daughter, Dec. 20; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalrymple, Watsontown, son, Dec. 20; Mr. and Mrs. Lamont Wertz, Montgomery, daughter, Dec. 21; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mincemoyer, Watsontown, daughter, Dec. 26; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murphy, Allenwood, daughter, Dec. 28.
Ad: Lundy’s-Muncy and Hughesville
Compiled by Ruth Fry