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Peeks at the Past 2.26.2020

1850170 years agoThe canals are now in navigable condition and the boating season has fairly commenced. Several have already left this place for market and others are making preparations to start soon.1880A petition was circulated in Picture Rocks against the granting of a liquor license in ...

Peeks at the Past 2.26.2020

Tuesday, Feb. 27, 1872The Vigilant fire company, drawing their engine and hose carriage and the Bucket and Ladder company, each member to carry his bucket, preceded by the Muncy Cornet band, paraded on the 22nd.Work on the boom at this place is progressing finely, eleven piers having been ...

Peeks 2.19.2020

Tuesday, Feb. 20, 1872A deposit bank is about to be organized at Catawissa.John Ort, of Muncy township, raised last season, on two acres of ground, 156 bushels of oats.A meeting in the interest of the Hunlock Creek and Muncy Railroad will be held in this Boro. at the Central School House this ...

Peeks at the Past 2.12.2020

The Muncy LuminaryFeb. 12, 1920100 years agoTeachers in Demand-State Superintendent Anticipates Shortage in FallAntonio Depaolo, an Italian tack laborer on the Pennsylvania railroad, who resides at Loyalsock, several miles below Sylvan Dell, was fatally injured Friday afternoon when he was ...

Peeks at the Past 2.5.2020

Feb. 6, 1872The mails to and from Hughesville are now carried by way of the Muncy Creek railroad instead of by stage.Snow to the depth of one foot fell at this place on Saturday.A stable belonging to Michael Reeder was destroyed by fire at Turbotville on Tuesday evening.Feb. 6, 1880We were ...

Peeks at the Past 1.29.2020

Jan. 29, 1872J.I. Painter, agent of the Catawissa railroad company at this place informs us that since the opening of the extension on November 20th, he has sold 1,305 tickets to Williamsport.A Farmers Club has been formed in Buffalo township, Union county.Alex B. Jack, of Danville will deliver ...

Peeks at the Past 1.15.2020

Jan. 16, 1872David D. Manville has resumed business after the disastrous fire of two weeks ago. On Saturday night last at about 11:30, fire broke out in the rear of a small frame building owned by Mrs. Samuel Petrikin and occupied by J.V. Reeder, as a jewelry store, who lost all his tools and ...

Peeks at the Past 1.8.2020

Jan. 9, 1872Those desiring to see a complete map of the National Colony lands, in Colorado, with lakes, rivers, bottoms and prairies can do so by calling upon Captain Thomas Lloyd, agent of the colony.Fire broke out in DeHaas Bros. carriage works on East Water street Sunday morning, and with ...

Peeks at the Past 12.18

Dec. 5, 1871The river was frozen Wednesday and Thursday night from the Muncy dam to above the outlet locks.W.T. Bishop, son of William Bishop came near drowning by breaking through the ice while skating on the canal on Thursday.Dec. 5, 1879The Bulletin says the office of district attorney in ...

Peeks at the Past

Nov. 28, 1871The Muncy Mills was sold at public sale on Thursday last to Wm. Trimp, Chas. Gortner and Pierce Butler, for $13,000.The boom at this place was located on Thursday last, and work on construction will begin at once.Nov. 27, 1919Harry and Joseph Toner, Bellefonte, who have been ...