Susquehanna SeniorNet group schedules next session of classes
WILLIAMSPORT The Susquehanna SeniorNet Learning Center, sponsored by the James V. Brown Library, has scheduled its next session of computer classes for older adults.
SeniorNet is staffed by local volunteers and offers affordable computer education to older adults. Classes are limited to 10 students per class and are conducted for six weeks. The classes are aimed at beginning computing seniors.
The first spring class session will be held Tuesday, March 4, through Friday, April 11, and will offer the following classes:
10 a.m. to noon Tuesdays — Fundamentals, a class for beginning computer users;
10 a.m. to noon Wednesdays — Introduction to iPad;
1 to 3 p.m. Wednesdays — Digital Photo Editing with Picasa; and
10 a.m. to noon Thursdays — Introduction to Computers, a beginning course for those with some computer knowledge or a second course to follow Fundamentals.
The second spring session begins Monday, May 5.
Participants need to be a current member of SeniorNet to take classes. For a fee the classes meet for two hours per week over a six-week period. Students also receive a step-by-step work-along manual.
The local SeniorNet branch was started about 1998 and since that time, more than 500 older adults have graduated from the local fundamentals class. Most have returned to enjoy additional sessions on e-mail, navigating the internet, word processing, photos and graphics, and other applications of interest.?
For more information, visit www.susquehannaseniornet.orgor call the library at 570-326-0536 and leave a message with the circulation desk. A SeniorNet volunteer will return the call.